Friday, September 22, 2006

Reconstruction Surgery Date Set

I spent the morning doing number-related stuff, which I hate, so I decided to indulge myself and spent the last part of my day here. I just got off the phone with my plastic surgeon's nurse and she scheduled my surgery for January 8! I'm excited and terrified. I'll be spending five days in the hospital. The last time I was in the hospital (for my mastectomy), they had these beds that made me sea sick. The inflate and deflate periodically. I'm sure the goal is to prevent bedsores for people who are hospitalized for long periods. I was nauseated from the surgery and the bed just made it worse. Furthermore, it was noisy. It's going to be painful and there will be a substantial period of time when I'm pretty limited in terms of my physical activity. On the other hand, it can't possibly be any worse than chemo. It won't last as long, for one thing. Here's the other weird thing: nipple and aureola won't be constructed for a year after my surgery. I'm not sure why that's so, but I think it's because there's a lot of adjusting that goes on in an effort to make sure everything is symmetrical and looks like an actual breast. I'm sure I'll be complaining about it all here.