Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Visit With Oncology Surgeon Slated

My next visit to M.D. Anderson is slated for June 21. It's a full day, though, so I'll be gone from June 20 through June 22. I'm going to have a bone density test, a mammogram and (I hope) see my oncology surgeon. Given my recent experience with my oncologist visit, I can't be sure about actually seeing my surgeon.

I love Dr. Ross. I'd leave my husband in a minute for him. He takes excellent care of me and he's one of the best in the world in his field. If I'm shifted off to a Nurse Practitioner, even if she's advanced, I'm going to be very, very unhappy.

If my insurance company and I are paying big bucks for the top of the line cancer treatment, why would I choose to not get it? Why wouldn't I see an actual oncology surgeon here? The answer is, I wouldn't.

So far, they haven't altered my schedule to reflect such a change, but I'm clearly going to have to monitor the situation. That's why I went there in the first place. Trust. I'd like to see my real surgeon, please.