Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Just When You Think Everything is Fine...Well, YoiuKnow

"Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid.” ~
Frederick Buechner,
Beyond Words: Daily Readings in the ABC's of Faith

Six months ago, it somehow escaped my attention that another mass was noted in the remaining breast.  Imagine my surprise when I was summoned for another CT scan a couple of months ago (at the six month point).  I was in such denial (ahhh...love denial) I wasn't even anxious about it; I thought they'd accidentally scheduled the annual exam a little early.  Let me reiterate:  I love denial.  So liberating.

Cutting to the chase, it looks like everything is fine.  We'll have another look-see in September.  My official position is that I'm not afraid until they are.

But then, there's the massive radiation to my left side.  That scares me a little.

I guess the blog is up and running again.  To any of you who are there, thanks for visiting and stay tuned for more.