Friday, August 12, 2005

Mapping my breast with needles

I've been advised by one of my doctors that I shouldn't have been working as much this week as I did. That means I'm going home at lunch and not coming back.

Another segment of the breast cancer ordeal. I had to show up at the hospital at 8:00 a.m. on the day of surgery. No food. No water. No coffee (OH NO!). Not even any chewing gum or breath mints. What the hell is the deal with that?

First they trotted me off to the ultrasound room, where they took all of my clothes away from me and delivered them to my hubby in the waiting room. I was a little cheered up because I thought that meant I might be getting the surgery done early in the day so I could eat later on. (My needs are so basic at this point...even just coffee would have been fine.) A woman came in first and did some looking around. Then an actual doctor came in to have a look-see himself. They then split into two teams. The doctor was busy making marks on my breast and the woman was continuing to look all around my breast with the ultrasound thingy. The doctor put a number of marks on my breast and then he got the lydocaine. I knew that was a numbing substance, so I started to wonder what the fuck they wer planning to do next.

What they did next was one of the worst things I've ever had to endure. They stuck two needles (more like fine gauge wire) into my breast. He left them there and told me not to look at them. The woman who had been doing the ultrasound work helped me get up and get the hospital gown on over the needles sticking out of my breast. Mammogram time. Needles are being jostled around while they're mashing my breast between two plexiglass plates. When she was through, she taped a styrofoam coffee cup on top of the needles. I guess that was supposed to keep people from moving them around. I laughed as she taped it onto me. That was the last time I laughed that day.

On that note, I see it's time for me to go. I'll have to continue my adventures later.