Tuesday, February 06, 2007

It's Alive!

I'm back at work today! Yes indeed, boys and girls, I am sitting here with cable access, being annoyed by a co-worker. It just doesn't get any better than this. I came in yesterday, too, but for only one hour. I expect to be here an hour again today, but at least I'm out of the house and attempting to be productive.

One of my co-workers needs me to fill out a form for a client's safety department in order for us to be an approved provider. I attempted to open the file and couldn't because it's corrupted. I called her (she's downstairs and I just can't do the trek) and asked her if she could print it out. Silence. I'm waiting, waiting, waiting. Silence. She doesn't know if she can open it. Silence. I have no idea what she thinks I can do about this. Finally, she says that she'll try to open it, but if she can't she'll have to forward it to the IT guy to open it. Being productive has its down sides.