Wednesday, September 21, 2005


The hurricane is threatening to ruin the upcoming trip to the hospital. It would be fine with me to postpone the mastectomy a bit longer, but the nodule problem is making me completely nutty. I'm still planning on going, but I understand that they're evacuating Houston, so that doesn't bode well. I'm unconvinced that the weather forecasters know what they're talking about. Hurricanes are unpredictable creatures who like to veer off suddenly into unanticipated directions.

Of course, on the up side, if I still needed a reservation in Houston, I'd probably be able to get one now. I don't need a reservation, though.

Farewell sex was better than I anticipated. I've been so uncomfortable with my poor mangled breast and I was afraid that would make it hard to have my husband touch it. I was afraid he wouldn't touch it because I think I needed some reassurance that it doesn't ick him out. What a sweetheart!