Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Tests and Farewell Sex

My surgery is scheduled for September 26. In the meantime, I have to go Friday for more tests! Yet another CT scan (I'm guessing it's of the breast, but no one has seen fit to tell me, the patient) and another chest x-ray. They're also taking blood, but that's not a big deal. I just want them to stop. Stop it. Just stop it.

The people at my office have arranged for a massage on Thursday morning. I can't wait. I love massages, but I haven't scheduled one all summer because of my breast. It sometimes still feels very painful to touch and that's completely unpredictable. Sometimes I have no pain, sometimes I do. Makes it a little hard to plan.

Hubby and I are having farewell sex this evening. I'm not sure how open I'll be to that with one breast missing. Just in case, I'm giving him (and me) one last hurrah. Who knows, I may schedule in another tomorrow night. You have to have something to look forward to, you know.